New York Taxi

Experience New York City’s iconic taxis – your convenient and reliable way to navigate the city. Discover travel tips for a seamless ride!

The most eye-catching car in the city has got to be the New York Taxi, a bright yellow vehicle with a symbol on top, and when it lights up, you know you can hail it down to catch a ride to wherever you need.

If you want a more private option to buses, metros, or trains, you can book a Taxi in New York and enjoy your ride in peace – no crowds, no stuffiness, no unwanted rocking and almost falling, and always, always, a seat to sit on.

New York Taxi Price

The initial New York Taxi price is $3.00 for each ride. It picks up the price according to the metered distance and time.

70 cents (or $0.70) is added for each 1/5 mile when going more than 12 miles per hour. If the traffic is high, 70 cents are added for each 60 seconds that the New York Taxi is stationary.

There is a $1 improvement surcharge and a $1 overnight surcharge if you travel between 8 pm and 6 am. A $2.50 rush hour surcharge activates weekdays between 4 pm and 8 pm.
For journeys ending in specific counties (including but not limited to Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester), there is a 50-cent MTA State Surcharge.

Moreover, there is a $2.50 congestion surcharge for yellow taxis as well and no extra cost if you have extra passengers or luggage or pay with a credit card.

Book a Taxi in New York

To book a taxi in New York, you have two options. One is the classic physical option, which you see happen in movies all the time – hailing a taxi from the streets.

To do this, you need to make sure the taxi you’re trying to catch is open for passengers; if so, the yellow light on the car will be lit up, and you can wave or do something else to catch the driver’s attention. They’ll stop the car, and you can hop on.

Your second option is to get a yellow cab New York with an E-Hail, where the TLC-sanctioned E-Hail providers allow you to book a taxi in New York online, allowing the closest cabbie to find you wherever you are and facilitate your travels. With this best taxi service in New York, you can tip the driver online, too.

The E-Hail option will not work at the airport because of the Port Authority’s rules. You can, however, be dropped off there, so for booking, you’ll have to take the old-fashioned route or check out other public transport options.


A New York taxi generally works on the preference of the taxi company and the driver, so depending on those variables, they may or may not run the cars at night.

However, this means that though there are fewer options, you will likely find a yellow cab New York driving around 24/7. Remember to check if it’s open for passengers and hail it down.

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